Esta semana descubri una plantita enredandose en el porton de la entrada de la casa que me parecio muy conocida. me recordo mucho de mi ninez y mi amor instantaneo por la naturaleza en Puerto Rico. Esta planta se le conoce como el cundeamor. una planta silvestre cuyos frutos y aun sus hojas tienen muchos beneficios.
Every Tuesday I spend all morning working in my garden. I have only been in this place for months, and it has taken me a while to get used to the surroundings. When DC ArtSchool started, we started a gardening project where we had the opportunity to inspire others and sell some of the orchard products. One of the great advantages of where I live now is that I am surrounded by a lot of vegetation. Even so the process of building a good home garden has been a bit challenging because of the difference in temperatures and land. But something I learned is that gardening requires a lot of patience.
This week I discovered a little plant wandering in the doorway of the house that I thought was very well known. I remember much of my childhood and my instant love for nature in Puerto Rico. This plant is known as the cundeamor. A wild plant whose fruits and even its leaves have many benefits.